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Max is a real jerk. A long time ago, the successful lawyer had turned over all the routine duties of family life to his wife Nathalie. His comfort and leisure time were a far greater priority. Sell the roadster and buy an efficient family car? No way! But then, Max’s fast-paced life suddenly screeches to a halt when Nathalie is hospitalized for several weeks with a complicated fracture. Alone with their two children and the dog he hates, Max quickly reaches the boiling point. As if having to play father was not bad enough, he is shocked to the core when he discovers passionate love letters written to his wife and signed “From G. in love”. Feeling that his life is slipping out of control, Max’s first impulse is to find out who his rival is. Then it dawns on him – could the way he has treated his wife be the reason why she has sought out another lover? Now Max attempts to see his situation from a different point of view. Last week he was ready to plan the yearly guys’ vacation he takes with his best buddy, but now things have changed. Max recognizes just how much he needs Nathalie’s humor, her organizing talent and her optimism, but also just how important to him she and his family really are. Max tries to discover the mysterious lover’s identity, but because of his new insight, he takes an additional step. Unfortunately, when he learns that the mystery man is Gregor, Max realizes that not only does the man have all those qualities - he is very attractive as well. His struggle to become a better husband and father suddenly becomes far more difficult. Hoping to knock Gregor out of the picture and get back in Nathalie’s good graces, Max makes an appointment with a successful life coach. But turning his life around is far more difficult than he had imagined. To make matters worse, Gregor turns out to be a loving, family-oriented man just what Nathalie needs. Max is desperate – he knows there is a real chance that he might lose Nathalie and the children. Willing to put everything on the line to keep his family intact, Max makes the biggest sacrifice of his life. Then something happens that is the very last thing he could have ever counted on…电影客提醒本站提供的《谁是G》在线观看地址以及谁是G下载地址来源于互联网。本站并不参与录制和制作,仅提供资源引用和分享。请记住我们的网站5dy.22.cn,觉得不错的话就分享到你的朋友圈吧!



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